MOG Design blog is a blog that contains the list of films in progress or in the future. MOG Design Blog provides information on films such as reviews, synopsis, cast, and others about the movie.

The theme of this blog simpe and friendly which means it has the look and words are simple and easy to understand, while friendly means friendly to visitors, for example, fast loading and also support mobile so very friendly to visitors.

Tentang Penulis

My name is Agung Prasetyo Riyanto, just call the Tio. My hobby is writing, playing music, sports, and others. I was born on March 21, 1998 in Medan, and now also still stay in Medan. I am currently studying at the University of North Sumatra.Besides taking care of this blog, I also have a few other blogs. Hopefully this blog can help you to resolve issues about the design and can be a reference for determining the design of your home.
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